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khaoR gluaaM jaL bpenM ro:hkF phooH phaawngM leeuyM reepF bpaiM haaR maawR gaawnL
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiเขา-กฺลัว-จะ-เป็น-โรก-พุ-พอง-เลย-รีบ-ไป-หา-หฺมอ-ก่อน
IPAkʰǎw kluːa tɕàʔ pen rôːk pʰúʔ pʰɔːŋ lɤːj rîːp paj hǎː mɔ̌ː kɔ̀ːn
Royal Thai General Systemkhao klua cha pen rok phuphong loei rip pai ha mo kon

 [example sentence]
"He was afraid that he would contract impetigo so he hurried to visit the doctor."

componentsเขา khaoR[3rd person singular or plural pronoun] he; she; him; her; they; them
กลัว gluaaM[is] be scared; frightened
จะ jaL[auxiliary verb indicating future tense—must be used with another verb] will; shall
เป็น bpenMto be; <subject> is
โรคพุพองro:hkF phooH phaawngMimpetigo
เลย leeuyM[used at the beginning of a clause] so, therefore, as a result
รีบ reepFto hurry
ไป bpaiMto go; <subject> goes
หาหมอhaaR maawRsee a doctor
ก่อน gaawnLbefore; earlier; time gone by; prior to; in advance of; ahead of time; previously; formerly; initially; beforehand; firstly; first; now; ago

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