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เอาใจใส่ทุกข์สุขของประชาชน aoM jaiM saiL thookH sookL khaawngR bpraL chaaM chohnM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | เอา-ไจ-ไส่-ทุก-สุก-ของ-ปฺระ-ชา-ชน |
IPA | ʔaw tɕaj sàj tʰúk sùk kʰɔ̌ːŋ pràʔ tɕʰaː tɕʰon |
Royal Thai General System | ao chai sai thuk suk khong prachachon |
[verb, phrase] | |||
definition | to be concerned about the welfare of the people | ||
components | เอาใจใส่ | aoM jaiM saiL | to pay attention (to); to look after |
ทุกข์สุข | thookH sookL | joys and sorrows, ups and downs, better or worse, vagaries of life | |
ของ | khaawngR | of; belonging to; that or those of; [a word used with a pronoun to indicate possesion, as in "John's truck"] | |
ประชาชน | bpraL chaaM chohnM | citizens, the public; people | |