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ช้างเท้าหลัง chaangH thaaoH langR |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ช้าง-ท้าว-หฺลัง |
IPA | tɕʰáːŋ tʰáːw lǎŋ |
Royal Thai General System | chang thao lang |
[noun, idiom] | |||
definition | follower; second place in the family; housewife | ||
components | ช้าง | chaangH | elephant; pachyderm; Elephas maximus |
เท้า | thaaoH | foot; feet; paw | |
หลัง | langR | behind; following; at the rear | |
related words | ภรรยา | phanM raH yaaM | wife |
ภริยา | phaH riH yaaM | wife; wife of a high-ranking government official | |
เมีย | miiaM | wife | |
สามี | saaR meeM | husband | |