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maiF meeM khraiM yaawmM khraiM
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiไม่-มี-ไคฺร-ยอม-ไคฺร
IPAmâj miː kʰraj jɔːm kʰraj
Royal Thai General Systemmai mi khrai yom khrai

1.   [example sentence]
"No one is willing to give an inch."

componentsไม่มีใครmaiF meeM khraiMnobody; no one
ยอม yaawmMto allow, yield, let, accept, agree to; is willing to
ใคร khraiManyone; anybody; someone; somebody; whoever
2.   [adjective, phrase]
[is] unwilling to compromise; unwillling to yield

componentsไม่มีใครmaiF meeM khraiMnobody; no one
ยอม yaawmMto allow, yield, let, accept, agree to; is willing to
ใคร khraiManyone; anybody; someone; somebody; whoever
ไม่รู้ว่ามันจะจบเกมลงอย่างไร เพราะต่างฝ่ายต่างไม่มีใครยอมใคร
maiF ruuH waaF manM jaL johpL gaehmM lohngM yaangL raiM phrawH dtaangL faaiL dtaangL maiF meeM khraiM yaawmM khraiM
"I do not know how this game will end, because each side is dug in and is unwilling to compromise."

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