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ยักษ์ปักใจหลั่น yakH bpakL jaiM lanL |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ยัก-ปัก-ไจ-หฺลั่น |
IPA | ják pàk tɕaj làn |
Royal Thai General System | yak pak chai lan |
[noun, phrase] | |||
definition | a big bear of a man; bruiser; intimidating giant; Goliath | ||
classifier | คน | khohnM | [numerical classifier for a person or occupation] |
components | ยักษ์ | yakH | [a character from the Ramayana epic, a] giant [or] demon |
ปักใจ | bpakL jaiM | [is] firmly convinced and confident; set and firm in belief | |
หลั่น | lanL | row; tier; series in a cascade; stage; step | |
synonym | ยักษ์ปักหลั่น | yakH bpakL lanL | intimidating giant; Goliath; large corporation |