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พอออกมาเห็นเขากำลังคุยโทรศัพท์ phaawM aawkL maaM henR khaoR gamM langM khuyM tho:hM raH sapL |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | พอ-ออก-มา-เห็น-เขา-กำ-ลัง-คุย-โท-ระ-สับ |
IPA | pʰɔː ʔɔ̀ːk maː hěn kʰǎw kam laŋ kʰuj tʰoː rá sàp |
Royal Thai General System | pho ok ma hen khao kamlang khui thora sap |
[example sentence] | |||
definition | "When I came out, I saw him talking on the telephone." | ||
categories | |||
components | พอ | phaawM | upon; just when; as soon as; at the moment when |
ออกมา | aawkL maaM | to come out (and do something) | |
เห็น | henR | to see; visualize | |
เขา | khaoR | [3rd person singular or plural pronoun] he; she; him; her; they; them | |
กำลัง | gamM langM | [auxiliary verb indicating the present participle, meaning "in the act of" or "in the process of", similar to the English suffix, "-ing"] | |
คุยโทรศัพท์ | khuyM tho:hM raH sapL | to talk on the telephone; have a telephone chat | |