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อาฆาตพยาบาท aaM khaatF phaH yaaM baatL |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | อา-คาด-พะ-ยา-บาด |
IPA | ʔaː kʰâːt pʰá jaː bàːt |
Royal Thai General System | akhat phayabat |
[verb] | |||
definition | to seek revenge | ||
components | อาฆาต | aaM khaatF | [is] spiteful; vindictive; vengeful; implacable; malicious; revengeful; spiteful; unforgiving |
พยาบาท | phaH yaaM baatL | to seek revenge; to be vindictive; to be vengeful; to habour revenge | |
synonym | จองเวร | jaawngM waehnM | to feel vengeful; take revenge; harbor hard feelings |
antonym | จองเวรจองกรรม | jaawngM waehnM jaawngM gamM | to act in a vengeful manner; hold a grudge; take revenge |