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การสอบเข้ามหาวิทยาลัย gaanM saawpL khaoF maH haaR witH thaH yaaM laiM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | กาน-สอบ-เค่า-มะ-หา-วิด-ทะ-ยา-ลัย |
IPA | kaːn sɔ̀ːp kʰâw má hǎː wít tʰá jaː laj |
Royal Thai General System | kan sop khao maha witthayalai |
[noun] | |||
definition | university entrance examination | ||
categories | |||
components | การ | gaanM | [placed before a verb or noun to create a noun which indicates a general activity, process, or state] the process of..., the activity of..., an enactment of..., the state of... [see notes] |
สอบเข้า | saawpL khaoF | to take an entrance exam | |
มหาวิทยาลัย | maH haaR witH thaH yaaM laiM | university | |