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ได้กลิ่นคาวปลาแล้วพะอืดพะอม daiF glinL khaaoM bplaaM laaeoH phaH euutL phaH ohmM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ได้-กฺลิ่น-คาว-ปฺลา-แล้ว-พะ-อืด-พะ-อม |
IPA | dâj klìn kʰaːw plaː lɛ́ːw pʰáʔ ʔɯ̀ːt pʰáʔ ʔom |
Royal Thai General System | dai klin khao pla laeo phauetphaom |
[example sentence] | |||
definition | "The smell of fish makes me feel ill." | ||
components | ได้กลิ่น | daiF glinL | to smell or sniff |
คาวปลา | khaaoM bplaaM | fish smell; fish odor | |
แล้ว | laaeoH | [positioned at the beginning of a clause indicating the ordering of events or agreement with main clause] next; then; afterwards; so; finally; and | |
พะอืดพะอม | phaH euutL phaH ohmM | to feel nauseous; feel sick | |