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สอบไม่ติด saawpL maiF dtitL |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | สอบ-ไม่-ติด |
IPA | sɔ̀ːp mâj tìt |
Royal Thai General System | sop mai tit |
[adjective, verb, phrase] | |||
definition | [is] unable to pass an examination; to fail a test | ||
categories | |||
components | สอบ | saawpL | to test; verify; check; investigate; examine; take an examination |
ไม่ | maiF | not; no | |
ติด | dtitL | to attach physically; to impress (a seal); to stamp; to affix; to stick; to fix; to glue; to hold fast; to fasten; to paste | |
synonym | สอบตก | saawpL dtohkL | fail an examination |