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ใต้ตาเธอเขียวคล้ำเหมือนคนอดนอน dtaiF dtaaM thuuhrM khiaaoR khlaamH meuuanR khohnM ohtL naawnM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ไต้-ตา-เทอ-เขียว-คฺล้าม-เหฺมือน-คน-อด-นอน |
IPA | tâj taː tʰɤː kʰǐːaw kʰláːm mɯ̌ːan kʰon ʔòt nɔːn |
Royal Thai General System | tai ta thoe khiao khlam muean khon ot non |
[example sentence] | |||
definition | "She had dark circles under her eyes as if she had not slept." | ||
categories | |||
components | ใต้ | dtaiF | [position] below; underneath; beneath; under |
ตา | dtaaM | eye | |
เธอ | thuuhrM | she; her; [the 3rd person singular pronoun when referring to a female] | |
เขียว | khiaaoR | [is] green | |
คล้ำ | khlaamH | [is] dark; dim; darkened; tanned; blurred; obscure | |
เหมือน | meuuanR | [is] similar; all the same; like; as | |
คน | khohnM | person; guy; people; man; human being | |
อดนอน | ohtL naawnM | not sleep a wink; abstain from sleeping | |