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ผู้จัดการคนแรกตอบว่า "ไม่ค่อยเก่งว่ะ เมียอั๊วเด็ดกว่า"
phuuF jatL gaanM khohnM raaekF dtaawpL waaF maiF khaawyF gengL waF miiaM uaaH detL gwaaL
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiพู่-จัด-กาน-คน-แรก-ตอบ-ว่า-ไม่-ค่อย-เก่ง-ว่ะ-เมีย-อั๊ว-เด็ด-กฺว่า
IPApʰûː tɕàt kaːn kʰon rɛ̂ːk tɔ̀ːp wâː mâj kʰɔ̂ːj kèŋ wâʔ miːa ʔúːa dèt kwàː
Royal Thai General Systemphu chat kan khon raek top wa mai khoi keng wa mia ua det kwa

 [example sentence]
"The first manager answered, “She wasn’t so hot. My wife is better.”"

componentsผู้จัดการphuuF jatL gaanMmanager
คน khohnMperson; guy; people; man; human being
แรก raaekF[is] first; primary; initial
ตอบว่าdtaawpL waaFto respond that...; to answer that...; to reply that...
ไม่ค่อย maiF khaawyFrarely; barely; scarcely; hardly ever; not very much; not quite
เก่ง gengL[is] skilled; talented; superbly performed; skillful; clever
[an alternate spelling or pronunciation]
waF[informal and impolite particle placed at the end of a phrase or sentence, usually a question, to indicate familiarity]
เมีย miiaMwife
อั๊วuaaH[among friends] I, me
เด็ด detL[is] excellent; wonderful; superb; marvelous; splendid
กว่า gwaaL[suffix used for comparisons] than; more; -er

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