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หลอม laawmR |
Royal Institute - 1982 | ||||
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | หฺลอม |
IPA | lɔ̌ːm |
Royal Thai General System | lom |
[verb, transitive] | |||
definition | [of a metal] to melt; to smelt; to fuse (together) | ||
image | |||
related word | ถลุง | thaL loongR | [of ore] to smelt |
examples | โรงหลอม | ro:hngM laawmR | smeltery |
หล่อหลอม | laawL laawmR | to preach; teach; instruct; enlighten | |
หลอมรวม | laawmR ruaamM | to combine; meld; fuse | |
การหลอมรวม | gaanM laawmR ruaamM | merger; melding; fusing | |
เบ้าหลอม | baoF laawmR | crucible; shaping tool | |
sample sentences | |||