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ปิฎก bpiL dohkL |
contents of this page | |
1. | a collection of writings; a section of the Lord Buddha's teachings |
2. | basket; box |
Royal Institute - 1982 | ||||||
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ปิ-ดก |
IPA | pìʔ dòk |
Royal Thai General System | pidok |
1.  [noun, formal, loanword, Pali] | |||
definition | a collection of writings; a section of the Lord Buddha's teachings | ||
categories | |||
examples | ชำระพระไตรปิฎก | chamM raH phraH dtraiM bpiL dohkL | to revise, amend and clarify พระไตรปิฎก (the Tripitaka) |
พระไตรปิฎก | phraH dtraiM bpiL dohkL | [formal term] the Pali cannon or Tripitaka—a collection of scriptures, originally recorded from oral traditions in the 1st century B.C., divided into one of three parts (ปิฎก [Pitaka]): sermons (Sutta Pitaka), the rules of the Buddhist order (Vinaya Pitaka), and several treatises on philosophy and psychology (Abhidhamma Pitaka) | |
ตรีปิฎก | dtreeM bpiL dohkL | an alteration of พระไตรปิฎก | |
ไตรปิฎก | dtraiM bpiL dohkL | the Tripitaka; three-part Buddhist teachings | |
2.  [noun, formal, poetic, loanword, Pali] | |||
definition | basket; box | ||