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ยี่เป็ง yeeF bpengM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ยี่-เป็ง |
IPA | jîː peŋ |
Royal Thai General System | yipeng |
[noun] | |||
definition | Major Lan Na festival coinciding with Loy Krathong. | ||
related word | ลอยกระทง | laawyM graL thohngM | Loi Kratong, Loy Krathong, a Thai festival and ceremony of Brahmin origin celebrated throughout the nation on the full moon night of November each year by floating กระทง onto the local rivers or canals to ask for forgiveness from the River Goddess Ganges (พระแม่คงคา) for having polluted her in the past and to express gratitude toward her for giving everyone water |
example | ประเพณียี่เป็ง | bpraL phaehM neeM yeeF bpengM | Northern festival at ลอยกระทง period |