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กะจึ๊กกะจั๊ก  gaL jeukH gaL jakH
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiกะ-จึ๊ก-กะ-จั๊ก
IPAkàʔ tɕɯ́k kàʔ tɕák
Royal Thai General Systemkachuekkachak

กระจึ๊กกระจั๊กgraL jeukH graL jakH
[is] small; tiny

synonymกระจิดริดgraL jitL ritH[is] very small; tiny; miniscule
dtaaeL johnM laaeoH johnM raawtF gaawF yangM meeM siiangR gaL jeukH gaL jakH lootL khaoF maaM johnM daiF
"But, in the end, tiny bits of noise still manage to creep in."

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