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ช่องเก็บกระเป๋าเหนือศีรษะ chaawngF gepL graL bpaoR neuuaR seeR saL |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ช่อง-เก็บ-กฺระ-เป๋า-เหฺนือ-สี-สะ |
IPA | tɕʰɔ̂ːŋ kèp kràʔ pǎw nɯ̌ːa sǐː sàʔ |
Royal Thai General System | chong kep krapao nuea sisa |
[noun] | |||
definition | aircraft overhead luggage compartment | ||
categories | |||
components | ช่อง | chaawngF | passage; aperature; gap; hole; lane; opening; [euphonious word for บ้าน ] |
เก็บ | gepL | to collect; preserve; keep; fetch; pick up (a purse, e.g.) | |
กระเป๋า | graL bpaoR | pouch; bag; knapsack; wallet; case purse; pocket; suitcase; luggage; baggage | |
เหนือ | neuuaR | [is] above; higher than; over; superior; [the prefix] "super-" | |
ศีรษะ | seeR saL | [of a human body only] the head | |