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ยกยอ yohkH yaawM |
Royal Institute - 1982 | ||||
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ยก-ยอ |
IPA | jók jɔː |
Royal Thai General System | yok yo |
[verb, transitive, intransitive, phrase, colloquial] | |||
definition | to glorify, praise, laud or flatter (insincerely) | ||
components | ยก | yohkH | to quote; cite; praise; eulogize; exalt |
ยอ | yaawM | to praise; extol; laud; flatter; cause to stop; stop | |
related words | ยกยอปอปั้น | yohkH yaawM bpaawM bpanF | to praise; glorify; flatter; laud; give; bestow (showing disapproval) |
ยอ | yaawM | to praise; extol; laud; flatter; cause to stop; stop | |
เยินยอ | yeernM yaawM | to praise; glorify; flatter; extol; laud | |
example | ยกยอปอปั้น | yohkH yaawM bpaawM bpanF | to praise; glorify; flatter; laud; give; bestow (showing disapproval) |