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ฤดูไถหว่าน reuH duuM thaiR waanL |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | รึ-ดู-ไถ-หฺว่าน |
IPA | rɯ́ʔ duː tʰǎj wàːn |
Royal Thai General System | ruedu thai wan |
[noun, phrase, formal] | |||
definition | season or time for plowing/ploughing and rice-planting | ||
components | ฤดู | reuH duuM | a period of time in commerce or agriculture |
ไถ | thaiR | to plow; thrust; push; to clip hair very short | |
หว่าน | waanL | to sow; scatter; distribute; broadcast | |
related words | ดำนา | damM naaM | to plant or transplant (rice seedlings or young rice plants into) a paddy field |
ฤดูเก็บเกี่ยว | reuH duuM gepL giaaoL | a harvest time or busy farming season | |
หน้านา | naaF naaM | rice-planting season or time | |