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บทบาทของเรื่องเล่า bohtL baatL khaawngR reuuangF laoF |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | บด-บาด-ของ-เรื่อง-เล่า |
IPA | bòt bàːt kʰɔ̌ːŋ rɯ̂ːaŋ lâw |
Royal Thai General System | bot bat khong rueang lao |
[noun] | |||
definition | [Thai description of an] anecdote | ||
components | บทบาท | bohtL baatL | role, part in a play, or movie, choreography |
ของ | khaawngR | of; belonging to; that or those of; [a word used with a pronoun to indicate possesion, as in "John's truck"] | |
เรื่อง | reuuangF | about; relating to; concerning; [as part of the header in an official letter along with เรียน ] "Subject:" | |
เล่า | laoF | to relate a story; to tell; to recount; to narrate | |