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อัปยศอดสู apL bpaL yohtH ohtL suuR |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | อับ-ปะ-ยด-อด-สู |
IPA | ʔàp pàʔ jót ʔòt sǔː |
Royal Thai General System | appa yot otsu |
[adjective] | |||
definition | [is] disgraced; humiliated; embarrassed [has] lost face | ||
components | อัปยศ | apL bpaL yohtH | [is] defamed; shameful; disgraceful; ignominious |
อดสู | ohtL suuR | to feel ashamed | |
sample sentence | เขาต้องอัปยศอดสูเพราะพฤติกรรมคอรัปชั่นได้ถูกเปิดเผยสู่สาธารณะชน khaoR dtawngF apL bpaL yohtH ohtL suuR phrawH phreuH dtiL gamM khaawM rapH chanF daiF thuukL bpeertL pheeuyR suuL saaR thaaM raH naH chohnM "He should be humiliated and embarrassed because his corrupt behavior has now been revealed to the public." | ||