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ฝูงวิหคบินจากรังส่งเสียงร้องไปทั่ว fuungR wiH hohkL binM jaakL rangM sohngL siiangR raawngH bpaiM thuaaF |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ฝูง-วิ-หก-บิน-จาก-รัง-ส่ง-เสียง-ร้อง-ไป-ทั่ว |
IPA | fǔːŋ wíʔ hòk bin tɕàːk raŋ sòŋ sǐːaŋ rɔ́ːŋ paj tʰûːa |
Royal Thai General System | fung wihok bin chak rang song siang rong pai thua |
[example sentence] | |||
definition | "The flock of birds flew from their nests and filled the air with their cries." | ||
components | ฝูง | fuungR | mass; herd (of cows, e.g.); flock (of birds); swarm (of bees, e.g.); crowd; pack; school (of fish) |
วิหค | wiH hohkL | bird | |
บิน | binM | to fly | |
จาก | jaakL | from | |
รัง | rangM | nest; home | |
ส่งเสียง | sohngL siiangR | to be loud; to utter loudly; to raise one's voice | |
ร้อง | raawngH | cry out; to scream; to exclaim; to weep; to sob; to yell; to roar; to squeal | |
ไป | bpaiM | [directional auxiliary meaning "away"] | |
ทั่ว | thuaaF | all; entire; complete; whole; throughout | |