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นี่เออะจ้ะ จะให้หนูใส่ไป neeF uhL jaF jaL haiF nuuR saiL bpaiM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | นี่-เออะ-จ้ะ-จะ-ไฮ่-หฺนู-ไส่-ไป |
IPA | nîː ʔɤ̀ʔ tɕâʔ tɕàʔ hâj nǔː sàj paj |
Royal Thai General System | ni oe cha cha hai nu sai pai |
[example sentence] | |||
definition | "This is the one I want you to wear." | ||
categories | |||
components | นี่ | neeF | this |
เออะ [an alternate spelling or pronunciation] | uhL | [informal, spoken pronunciation of ละ —a particle used at the end of a statement or question to add an imperative quality] | |
จ้ะ | jaF | [polite particle, alternative to คะ ] | |
จะ | jaL | [imminent aspect marker] | |
ให้ | haiF | [usage in a benefactive construction] | |
หนู | nuuR | [fairly impolite 2nd person pronoun used to call over a waitress in a restaurant and a girl or woman working in a nightclub, café or escort business] you | |
ใส่ | saiL | to put in; add | |
ไป | bpaiM | to go; <subject> goes | |