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ยิ่งรอนานกาลวันพลันรุมจิต yingF raawM naanM gaanM wanM phlanM roomM jitL |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ยิ่ง-รอ-นาน-กาน-วัน-พฺลัน-รุม-จิด |
IPA | jîŋ rɔː naːn kaːn wan pʰlan rum tɕìt |
Royal Thai General System | ying ro nan kan wan phlan rum chit |
[example sentence] | |||
definition | The more we must be apart, the more I miss you. | ||
categories | |||
components | ยิ่ง | yingF | The more... the more... [sentence pattern] |
รอ | raawM | to wait; to stay; to linger; to remain; to go slowly | |
นานกาล | naanM gaanM | for a long time | |
วัน | wanM | day | |
พลัน | phlanM | to hasten; to accelerate | |
รุม | roomM | to beset; crowd; swarm; throng; congregate; flock; mob; besiege | |
จิต | jitL | the mind; mentality | |