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ตรงนั้นเราเรียกว่าเคอร์เซอร์นะครับ ให้เราพิมพ์ตรงเคอร์เซอร์ได้เลยนะครับผม
dtrohngM nanH raoM riiakF waaF khuuhrM suuhrM naH khrapH haiF raoM phimM dtrohngM khuuhrM suuhrM daiF leeuyM naH khrapH phohmR
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiตฺรง-นั้น-เรา-เรียก-ว่า-เคอ-เซอ-นะ-คฺรับ-ไฮ่-เรา-พิม-ตฺรง-เคอ-เซอ-ได้-เลย-นะ-คฺรับ-ผม
IPAtroŋ nán raw rîːak wâː kʰɤː sɤː náʔ kʰráp hâj raw pʰim troŋ kʰɤː sɤː dâj lɤːj náʔ kʰráp pʰǒm
Royal Thai General Systemtrong nan rao riak wa khoesoe na khrap hai rao phim trong khoesoe dai loei na khrapphom

 [example sentence]
"That area is called a “cursor,” [and] we can type at the point that the cursor is located."

componentsตรงนั้นdtrohngM nanHthat area; right there — "(It's) right there."
เรา raoMwe; us; our
เรียก riiakFto call out; called; to be named
ว่า waaF[proposition complementizer] that...; as... [see examples]
เคอร์เซอร์ khuuhrM suuhrM[Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] cursor
นะ naH[word added to the end of a sentence to soften it, make it polite, indicate pleading, disagreement, ordering, surprise or emphasis]
ครับ khrapH[word added by a male speaker to the end of every sentence to convey politeness or] "yes"; "that's right"; "I see."
ให้ haiFto give; to let; to send to; to allow; to convey towards; to pay (attention); to have someone do something
เรา raoMwe; us; our
พิมพ์ phimMto print; type; importing; make an impression of
ตรง dtrohngMprecisely; exactly; right (here); directly
เคอร์เซอร์ khuuhrM suuhrM[Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] cursor
ได้เลยdaiF leeuyMsure; absolutely; definitely; yes I can; of course
นะ naH[word added to the end of a sentence to soften it, make it polite, indicate pleading, disagreement, ordering, surprise or emphasis]
ครับผม khrapH phohmR[highly formal word added by a male speaker to the end of every sentence to convey politeness or]

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