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จะเขียนหนังสือไปอีกกี่ปี jaL khiianR nangR seuuR bpaiM eekL geeL bpeeM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | จะ-เขียน-หฺนัง-สือ-ไป-อีก-กี่-ปี |
IPA | tɕàʔ kʰǐːan nǎŋ sɯ̌ː paj ʔìːk kìː piː |
Royal Thai General System | cha khian nangsue pai ik ki pi |
[example sentence] | |||
definition | "How many more years would [I] be writing?" | ||
categories | |||
components | จะ | jaL | [imminent aspect marker] |
เขียน | khiianR | to write; to draw | |
หนังสือ | nangR seuuR | book; document; letters; alphabet; printed document; written document | |
ไป | bpaiM | [aspect marker indicating time duration (continuity into the future)] for; since; forward | |
อีก | eekL | another; additional; more | |
กี่ | geeL | how many | |
ปี | bpeeM | year; annum; annual | |