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เธอตั้งท่าจะวิ่งแต่เขาดักหน้าเธอ thuuhrM dtangF thaaF jaL wingF dtaaeL khaoR dakL naaF thuuhrM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | เทอ-ตั้ง-ท่า-จะ-วิ่ง-แต่-เขา-ดัก-น่า-เทอ |
IPA | tʰɤː tâŋ tʰâː tɕàʔ wîŋ tɛ̀ː kʰǎw dàk nâː tʰɤː |
Royal Thai General System | thoe tang tha cha wing tae khao dak na thoe |
[example sentence] | |||
definition | "She appears to want to run away, but he is holding her back." | ||
components | เธอ | thuuhrM | she; her; [the 3rd person singular pronoun when referring to a female] |
ตั้ง | dtangF | to start; erect; found; set up; establish (e.g. factory); formulate (questions) | |
ท่า | thaaF | posture; attitude; gesture; position; style; manner; appearance; bearing | |
จะ | jaL | [imminent aspect marker] | |
วิ่ง | wingF | to run; rush; speed <subject> runs | |
แต่ | dtaaeL | but; even; however; rather | |
เขา | khaoR | [3rd person singular or plural pronoun] he; she; him; her; they; them | |
ดักหน้า | dakL naaF | to block (someone's) way | |
เธอ | thuuhrM | you, he, him, she, her; [royal] his or her | |