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ทำนุบำรุง thamM nooH bamM roongM |
Royal Institute - 1982 | ||||||||
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ทำ-นุ-บำ-รุง |
IPA | tʰam núʔ bam ruŋ |
Royal Thai General System | thamnu bamrung |
[verb] | |||
definition | to care; keep up; maintain; preserve | ||
components | ทำนุ | thamM nooH | to support; maintain |
บำรุง | bamM roongM | to care for; maintain; nurture; support | |
synonyms | ทะนุบำรุง | thaH nooH bamM roongM | to preserve; nourish; take care of |
ธำรงรักษา | thamM rohngM rakH saaR | to keep up; maintain; preserve | |
บำรุงรักษา | bamM roongM rakH saaR | take care of; protect | |
ปกครอง | bpohkL khraawngM | to rule; administer; govern | |
อภิบาล | aL phiH baanM | take care of; guard; protect; look after | |
อุดหนุน | ootL noonR | to aid (with money); help; support | |
antonym | ละเลย | laH leeuyM | to be remiss; to neglect |
related word | |||