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อย่าปกปิดอวดฉลาด ในสิ่งที่โง่เขลา yaaL bpohkL bpitL uaatL chaL laatL naiM singL theeF ngo:hF khlaoR |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | หฺย่า-ปก-ปิด-อวด-ฉะ-หฺลาด-ไน-สิ่ง-ที่-โง่-เขฺลา |
IPA | jàː pòk pìt ʔùːat tɕʰà làːt naj sìŋ tʰîː ŋôː kʰlǎw |
Royal Thai General System | ya pok pit uat chalat nai sing thi ngo khlao |
[example sentence] | |||
definition | "Do not hide your ignorance or try to pretend to know something about that which you know nothing." | ||
categories | |||
components | อย่า | yaaL | don't...; do not...; don't be...; doesn't |
ปกปิด | bpohkL bpitL | to cover up; conceal | |
อวดฉลาด | uaatL chaL laatL | to boast of one's intelligence; make oneself seem smart | |
ใน | naiM | in; inside; within; amidst; into; on; at a particular time | |
สิ่งที่ | singL theeF | a thing that... | |
โง่เขลา | ngo:hF khlaoR | [is] ignorant; stupid; foolish | |