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นางกวักมีนามเดิมว่าสุภาวดี naangM gwakL meeM naamM deermM waaF sooL phaaM waH deeM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | นาง-กฺวัก-มี-นาม-เดิม-ว่า-สุ-พา-วะ-ดี |
IPA | naːŋ kwàk miː naːm dɤːm wâː sùʔ pʰaː wá diː |
Royal Thai General System | nang kwak mi nam doem wa suphawadi |
[example sentence] | |||
definition | "The goddess’s name was originally Supawadee." | ||
categories | |||
components | นางกวัก | naangM gwakL | Beckoning Woman, a [specific type of] talismanic statue that is used widely in Thai shops and believed to pull or draw wealth to the owners |
มี | meeM | to have or possess; to be available | |
นาม | naamM | name; designation; appellation | |
เดิม | deermM | [is] original; initial; first | |
ว่า | waaF | [proposition complementizer] that...; as... [see examples] | |
สุภาวดี | sooL phaaM waH deeM | [female name] Supawadee | |