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เคยคิดกับตัวเองว่า...ทำดีต้องได้ดี kheeuyM khitH gapL dtuaaM aehngM waaF thamM deeM dtawngF daiF deeM | I used to believe that if you do good deeds, you will receive benefits in return. |
ทำดี ไม่ได้ดี เพราะทำดี ไม่มากพอ thamM deeM maiF daiF deeM phrawH thamM deeM maiF maakF phaawM | [Sometimes] you do good deeds but you get nothing in return because you did not do enough good deeds." "If one does good things and does not get anything in return, [it is] because one didn't do enough good. |
แล้วต้องทำดีขนาดไหน ถึงจะพอ laaeoH dtawngF thamM deeM khaL naatL naiR theungR jaL phaawM | So, how much good do you have to do to qualify [to get something in return]? |