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อย่าหยามหน้ากันให้มากนัก yaaL yaamR naaF ganM haiF maakF nakH |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | หฺย่า-หฺยาม-น่า-กัน-ไฮ่-มาก-นัก |
IPA | jàː jǎːm nâː kan hâj mâːk nák |
Royal Thai General System | ya yam na kan hai mak nak |
[example sentence] | |||
definition | "Don’t be so contemptuous of each other!" | ||
components | อย่า | yaaL | don't...; do not...; don't be...; doesn't |
หยามหน้า | yaamR naaF | to insult, view with contempt, scorn | |
กัน | ganM | each other; one another; collectively; commonly; together | |
ให้ | haiF | to indicate; to demonstrate that...; to urge that... | |
มาก | maakF | much; many; very; more; so much; a great deal; seriously | |
นัก | nakH | extremely; intensely; very | |