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[ข.] บ้านเขาโทรศัพท์เบอร์อะไรคะ baanF khaoR tho:hM raH sapL buuhrM aL raiM khaH |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | บ้าน-เขา-โท-ระ-สับ-เบอ-อะ-ไร-คะ |
IPA | bâːn kʰǎw tʰoː rá sàp bɤː ʔàʔ raj kʰáʔ |
Royal Thai General System | ban khao thora sap boe arai kha |
[example sentence] | |||
definition | [b.] "What is his home phone number?" | ||
categories | |||
components | ข | b.) — [indicating the second item in a list]; Mr. B. | |
บ้าน | baanF | house; home; place (or one's place); village | |
เขา | khaoR | [3rd person singular or plural pronoun] he; she; him; her; they; them | |
โทรศัพท์ | tho:hM raH sapL | telephone; telephone call; telephone switchboard | |
เบอร์ | buuhrM | number; digit | |
อะไร | aL raiM | [indicating a question] what | |
คะ | khaH | [word added by a female speaker to the end of every question to convey politeness] | |