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ลูกชายชำเลืองพ่ออย่างไม่เข้าใจ luukF chaaiM chamM leuuangM phaawF yaangL maiF khaoF jaiM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ลูก-ชาย-ชำ-เลือง-พ่อ-หฺย่าง-ไม่-เค่า-ไจ |
IPA | lûːk tɕʰaːj tɕʰam lɯːaŋ pʰɔ̂ː jàːŋ mâj kʰâw tɕaj |
Royal Thai General System | luk chai chamlueang pho yang mai khao chai |
[example sentence] | |||
definition | "The son glanced at his father without comprehension." | ||
components | ลูกชาย | luukF chaaiM | son; male child |
ชำเลือง | chamM leuuangM | to glance; look sideways; look from the corner of the eye | |
พ่อ | phaawF | father | |
อย่าง | yaangL | [a prefix acting like the English suffix] -ly [creating an adverb from an adjective] way; in the (following) particular way | |
ไม่เข้าใจ | maiF khaoF jaiM | without understanding | |