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chanR maiF meeM wanM leuumM waaF chanR kheeuyM meeM cheeM witH naaF sohmR phaehtF phiiangM daiM
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiฉัน-ไม่-มี-วัน-ลืม-ว่า-ฉัน-เคย-มี-ชี-วิด-น่า-สม-เพด-เพียง-ได
IPAtɕʰǎn mâj miː wan lɯːm wâː tɕʰǎn kʰɤːj miː tɕʰiː wít nâː sǒm pʰêːt pʰiːaŋ daj
Royal Thai General Systemchan mai mi wan luem wa chan khoei mi chiwit na somphet phiang dai

 [example sentence]
"I never forgot how pitiful my life once was."

componentsฉัน chanR[used by females in an informal setting—also used by males with intimate friends or lovers] I, me, my
ไม่มีวันmaiF meeM wanMthe day will never come; never
ลืม leuumMto forget
ว่า waaF[proposition complementizer] that...; as... [see examples]
ฉัน chanR[used by females in an informal setting—also used by males with intimate friends or lovers] I, me, my
เคย kheeuyM(have you) ever; (as) before; did in the past; used to...
มี meeMto have or possess; to be available
ชีวิต cheeM witHlife
น่าสมเพชnaaF sohmR phaehtFpathetic; sad; pitiful
เพียงใดphiiangM daiM[alternate, colloquial spelling and pronounciation of เพียงไร, used in written Thai]

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