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khaoR dtatL sinR jaiM naaeoF naaeF theeF jaL bpaiM riianM dtaawL dtaangL bpraL thaehtF
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiเขา-ตัด-สิน-ไจ-แน่ว-แน่-ที่-จะ-ไป-เรียน-ต่อ-ต่าง-ปฺระ-เทด
IPAkʰǎw tàt sǐn tɕaj nɛ̂ːw nɛ̂ː tʰîː tɕàʔ paj riːan tɔ̀ː tàːŋ pràʔ tʰêːt
Royal Thai General Systemkhao tat sin chai naeo nae thi cha pai rian to tang prathet

 [example sentence]
"He was firmly determined to further his studies abroad."

componentsเขา khaoR[3rd person singular or plural pronoun] he; she; him; her; they; them
ตัดสินใจdtatL sinR jaiMto decide; determine; make up one's mind; declare
แน่วแน่naaeoF naaeFfirmly
ที่จะtheeF jaLto; of; that
ไป bpaiMto go; <subject> goes
เรียนต่อriianM dtaawLto continue to study; to pursue further study
ต่างประเทศdtaangL bpraL thaehtFforeign; abroad; foreign country; overseas

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