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เหตุไฉน haehtL chaL naiR |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | เหด-ฉะ-ไหฺน |
IPA | hèːt tɕʰà nǎj |
Royal Thai General System | het chanai |
[adverb] | |||
definition | Why?; for what purpose? | ||
components | เหตุ | haehtL | situation; cause; reason; origin; motive; event |
ไฉน | chaL naiR | why; wherefore | |
sample sentence | หากไม่คิดจะเป็นผู้ให้ แล้วเหตุไฉนจะได้เป็นผู้รับ haakL maiF khitH jaL bpenM phuuF haiF laaeoH haehtL chaL naiR jaL daiF bpenM phuuF rapH "If you are not willing to be a giver, what makes you think you can be a taker? "If you are not thinking of being a giver, how can you be a taker?" "He who wishes to receive, must be willing to give." | ||