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กระชับสัมพันธไมตรี graL chapH samR phanM thaH maiM dtreeM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | กฺระ-ชับ-สัม-พัน-ทะ-ไม-ตฺรี |
IPA | kràʔ tɕʰáp sǎm pʰan tʰáʔ maj triː |
Royal Thai General System | krachap samphantha maitri |
[verb, phrase] | |||
definition | to strengthen [international] relations | ||
components | กระชับ | graL chapH | to strengthen; tighten; reinforce; fortify; support; promote; intensify |
สัมพันธไมตรี | samR phanM thaH maiM dtreeM | friendship; relationship; goodwill | |
sample sentence | |||