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นักเท็นนิสลั่นจะขอกลับมาแก้มืออีก nakH thenM nitH lanF jaL khaawR glapL maaM gaaeF meuuM eekL |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | นัก-เท็น-นิด-ลั่น-จะ-ขอ-กฺลับ-มา-แก้-มือ-อีก |
IPA | nák tʰen nít lân tɕàʔ kʰɔ̌ː klàp maː kɛ̂ː mɯː ʔìːk |
Royal Thai General System | nak thennit lan cha kho klap ma kae mue ik |
[example sentence] | |||
definition | "The tennis player announced that he would come back and ask for a return match." | ||
components | นักเท็นนิส | nakH thenM nitH | a tennis player |
ลั่น | lanF | to state publicly; announce; declare for all the world to know | |
จะ | jaL | [imminent aspect marker] | |
ขอ | khaawR | to ask for; to request; "I'd like..." — "May/Can I have...?" | |
กลับมา | glapL maaM | to come back; return | |
แก้มือ | gaaeF meuuM | to ask for a return match | |
อีก | eekL | again; after a time; still | |