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เขาคงเห็นผมมองดูผีเสื้อตัวนี้อยู่นาน ผมตอบว่าเห็นด้วย
khaoR khohngM henR phohmR maawngM duuM pheeR seuuaF dtuaaM neeH yuuL naanM phohmR dtaawpL waaF henR duayF
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiเขา-คง-เห็น-ผม-มอง-ดู-ผี-เซื่อ-ตัว-นี้-หฺยู่-นาน-ผม-ตอบ-ว่า-เห็น-ด้วย
IPAkʰǎw kʰoŋ hěn pʰǒm mɔːŋ duː pʰǐː sɯ̂ːa tuːa níː jùː naːn pʰǒm tɔ̀ːp wâː hěn dûaj
Royal Thai General Systemkhao khong hen phom mong du phisuea tua ni yu nan phom top wa hen duai

 [example sentence]
"He likely saw me looking at this butterfly for a long time; I told him that I agreed with [him]."

componentsเขา khaoR[3rd person singular or plural pronoun] he; she; him; her; they; them
คง khohngMprobably; most likely
เห็น henRto see; visualize
ผม phohmR[used by male speakers] I; me; my
มองดูmaawngM duuMto look at closely; stare at
ผีเสื้อ  pheeR seuuaFbutterfly
ตัว dtuaaM[numerical classifier for digits, number, bodies, shirts, pants, suits, animals, fish, germs, chairs, tables, desks, software title]
นี้ neeHthis; these
อยู่ yuuL[marker indicating the progressive or perfect aspect]
นาน naanMlong time; as time passes
ผม phohmR[used by male speakers] I; me; my
ตอบว่าdtaawpL waaFto respond that...; to answer that...; to reply that...
เห็นด้วยhenR duayF[of another's opinion] to agree with; [is] in favor of; approve; concur

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