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แฟนคุณสวยไม่มีที่ติเลย faaenM khoonM suayR maiF meeM theeF dtiL leeuyM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | แฟน-คุน-สวย-ไม่-มี-ที่-ติ-เลย |
IPA | fɛːn kʰun sǔaj mâj miː tʰîː tìʔ lɤːj |
Royal Thai General System | faen khun suai mai mi thi ti loei |
[example sentence] | |||
definition | "Your girlfriend is flawlessly beautiful." | ||
components | แฟน | faaenM | boyfriend; girlfriend; lover |
คุณ | khoonM | [singular and plural] you; your | |
สวย | suayR | [is] beautiful; pretty; lovely; gorgeous; attractive; nice-looking [usually referring to women but also possibly a view] | |
ไม่มีที่ติ | maiF meeM theeF dtiL | perfectly; absolutely | |
เลย | leeuyM | [used for emphasis at the end of a statement] " all." — " much!" — "...extremely!; completely, directly; simply, without doing anything else first; right away | |