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จะเช่าพระต้องดูให้ดี ๆ ระวังจะถูกคนขายต้มเอา jaL chaoF phraH dtawngF duuM haiF deeM raH wangM jaL thuukL khohnM khaaiR dtohmF aoM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | จะ-เช่า-พฺระ-ต็้อง-ดู-ไฮ่-ดี-ระ-วัง-จะ-ถูก-คน-ขาย-ต้ม-เอา |
IPA | tɕàʔ tɕʰâw pʰráʔ tɔ̂ŋ duː hâj diː ráʔ waŋ tɕàʔ tʰùːk kʰon kʰǎːj tôm ʔaw |
Royal Thai General System | cha chao phra tong du hai di rawang cha thuk khon khai tom ao |
[example sentence] | |||
definition | "If you are going to acquire a Buddha image, you have to be careful that you don’t get cheated by the seller." | ||
components | จะ | jaL | [imminent aspect marker] |
เช่า | chaoF | to rent or hire an object; lease; buy (a Buddha image) | |
พระ | phraH | priest; minister; cleric; monk; padre; god; Buddha image | |
ต้อง | dtawngF | [auxiliary verb] has to...; must...; is required to...; is duty-bound to... | |
ดู | duuM | to look at; examine; or inspect; to watch (for example, a film) | |
ให้ | haiF | for; towards; in the direction of; into; to | |
ดี | deeM | [is] good; well; fine; nice; excellent; high | |
ระวัง | raH wangM | [is] careful; cautious; wary | |
จะ | jaL | [imminent aspect marker] | |
ถูก | thuukL | [a verb particle reflecting passive voice] | |
คนขาย | khohnM khaaiR | seller; vendor | |
ต้ม | dtohmF | [slang] to rip off; to cheat | |
เอา | aoM | [an aspect marker used to indicate a negative consequence affecting someone or something] to get back at someone for some action; take revenge | |