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แม้ท่านจะวายชนม์ไปแล้ว แต่ประชาชนยังคงระลึกถึงท่านเสมอ
maaeH thanF jaL waaiM chohnM bpaiM laaeoH dtaaeL bpraL chaaM chohnM yangM khohngM raH leukH theungR thanF saL muuhrR
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiแม้-ทั่น-จะ-วาย-ชน-ไป-แล้ว-แต่-ปฺระ-ชา-ชน-ยัง-คง-ระ-ลึก-ถึง-ทั่น-สะ-เหฺมอ
IPAmɛ́ː tʰân tɕàʔ waːj tɕʰon paj lɛ́ːw tɛ̀ː pràʔ tɕʰaː tɕʰon jaŋ kʰoŋ ráʔ lɯ́k tʰɯ̌ŋ tʰân sà mɤ̌ː
Royal Thai General Systemmae than cha waichon pai laeo tae prachachon yang khong raluek thueng than samoe

 [example sentence]
"Even though he has passed away, the people continue to remember him."

componentsแม้ maaeHthough; if; provided; even; even if
ท่านthanF[a respectful 2nd or 3rd person singular pronoun] you; he; she; him; her; they; them
จะ jaL[imminent aspect marker]
วายชนม์waaiM chohnMto die; pass away
ไป bpaiM[directional auxiliary meaning "away"]
แล้ว laaeoH[positioned at the end of a clause indicating current position, fulfilment of a condition, emphasis, or confirmation] already; any more
แต่ dtaaeLbut; even; however; rather
ประชาชน bpraL chaaM chohnMcitizens, the public; people
ยังคงyangM khohngMstill
ระลึกถึงraH leukH theungRto call to mind; to (suddenly) remember; to (now) recall; think back upon; reflect on
ท่านthanF[a respectful 2nd or 3rd person singular pronoun] you; he; she; him; her; they; them
เสมอ saL muuhrRalways, often, frequently, continually

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