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เด็กหลายคนชอบนอนกัดฟัน dekL laaiR khohnM chaawpF naawnM gatL fanM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | เด็ก-หฺลาย-คน-ชอบ-นอน-กัด-ฟัน |
IPA | dèk lǎːj kʰon tɕʰɔ̂ːp nɔːn kàt fan |
Royal Thai General System | dek lai khon chop non kat fan |
[example sentence] | |||
definition | "Many children grind their teeth while they sleep." | ||
components | เด็ก | dekL | child |
หลายคน | laaiR khohnM | lots of people; a lot of people | |
ชอบ | chaawpF | to like; to prefer; to be pleased with; to be fond of; to admire; to be satisfied with; to be right for | |
นอน | naawnM | to sleep; lie down | |
กัดฟัน | gatL fanM | to gnash (one's) teeth; to bite one's tongue; to restrain oneself | |