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หลบหนีอย่างรวดเร็ว lohpL neeR yaangL ruaatF reoM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | หฺลบ-หฺนี-หฺย่าง-รวด-เร็ว |
IPA | lòp nǐː jàːŋ rûːat rew |
Royal Thai General System | lop ni yang ruat reo |
[verb, phrase] | |||
definition | to run away quickly; escape fast | ||
components | หลบหนี | lohpL neeR | to escape |
อย่าง | yaangL | [a prefix acting like the English suffix] -ly [creating an adverb from an adjective] way; in the (following) particular way | |
รวดเร็ว | ruaatF reoM | fast; quick | |
synonyms | โกยแน่บ | gooyM naaepF | to escape; flee; run away |
วิ่งหนี | wingF neeR | to escape; flee; run away | |