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ระเบียบปฏิบัติประจำ raH biiapL bpaL dtiL batL bpraL jamM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ระ-เบียบ-ปะ-ติ-บัด-ปฺระ-จำ |
IPA | ráʔ bìːap pà tìʔ bàt pràʔ tɕam |
Royal Thai General System | rabiap patibat pracham |
[noun, phrase] | |||
definition | [military] Standard Operating Procedures | ||
classifier | ฉบับ | chaL bapL | [numerical classifier for periodicals, documents, legal documents, newspapers, essays, e-mail, mail, letters, contracts] |
categories | |||
components | ระเบียบปฏิบัติ | raH biiapL bpaL dtiL batL | practice; common practice; required behavior |
ประจำ | bpraL jamM | [is] assigned; permanently placed; constant; fixed | |