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ทศบารมี Ten Perfections in Buddhism |
parent categories | |||
Notes | Dictionary of Buddhism, volume 1 | ||
category items | ทาน | thaanM | [Buddhism] charity; liberality; generosity |
ศีล | seenR | [Buddhism] high moral character; morality; good conduct | |
เนกขัมมะ | naehkF khamR maH | [Buddhism] renunciation; giving up the world; escape from sensuality; absence of greed; independence of sensual desire and pleasures; self-denial; self-abnegation | |
ปัญญา | bpanM yaaM | [Buddhism] intelligence; wisdom; sharpness; wit | |
วิริยะ | wiH riH yaH | [Buddhism] virya; viriya; energy; effort; vigor; diligence | |
ขันติ | khanR dtiL | [Buddhism] patience; forbearance; tolerance | |
สัจจะ | satL jaL | [Buddhism] pledge of honor; promise; word; truth | |
อธิษฐาน | aL thitH thaanR | [Buddhism] resolution; self-determination | |
เมตตา | maehtF dtaaM | [Buddhism] goodwill; kindness; mercy; clemency; compassion; kindheartedness | |
อุเบกขา | ooL baehkL khaaR | [Buddhism] equanimity; impartiality; indiference; indifference to the affairs of the world | |