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ใจคน...ใจใคร...ก็ใจเขา jaiM khohnM jaiM khraiM gaawF jaiM khaoR | Each one of us is different |
จะให้เหมือน...ใจเรา...กระไรได้ jaL haiF meuuanR jaiM raoM graL raiM daiF | How is it possible that someone could be like us? |
ต่างคน...ต่างคิด...ต่างจิตใจ dtaangL khohnM dtaangL khitH dtaangL jitL jaiM | We each think differently and feel differently |
จะยึดมั่นใจ... ทำไม... กับใจคน jaL yeutH manF jaiM thamM maiM gapL jaiM khohnM | Why do we cling so to others? |