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maiF suayR
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiไม่-สวย
IPAmâj sǔaj
Royal Thai General Systemmai suai

 [adjective, adverb, phrase]
[is] homely; plain; not beautiful

componentsไม่ maiFnot; no
สวย suayR[is] beautiful; pretty; lovely; gorgeous; attractive; nice-looking [usually referring to women but also possibly a view]
ข้อดีของการเป็นคนไม่สวย คือคนจะรักเราที่จิตใจ ไม่ใช่หน้าตา
khaawF deeM khaawngR gaanM bpenM khohnM maiF suayR kheuuM khohnM jaL rakH raoM theeF jitL jaiM maiF chaiF naaF dtaaM
"The advantage of not being beautiful is that those who love us do so because of who we are, not what we look like."

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