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baawM riH satL lohmH lookH khlookH khlaanM reuuayF maaM johnM graL thangF bpaiM maiF waiR dtawngF bpitL dtuaaM lohngM
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiบอ-ริ-สัด-ล้ม-ลุก-คฺลุก-คฺลาน-เรื่อย-มา-จน-กฺระ-ทั่ง-ไป-ไม่-ไหฺว-ต็้อง-ปิด-ตัว-ลง
IPAbɔː ríʔ sàt lóm lúk kʰlúk kʰlaːn rɯ̂ːaj maː tɕon kràʔ tʰâŋ paj mâj wǎj tɔ̂ŋ pìt tuːa loŋ
Royal Thai General Systemborisat lom luk khluk khlan rueay ma chon krathang pai mai wai tong pit tua long

 [example sentence]
"The company was just struggling along until it could no longer conduct business and closed down."

componentsบริษัท baawM riH satLcompany; firm; corporation; congregration; audience; meeting; assembly
ล้มลุกคลุกคลานlohmH lookH khlookH khlaanMto muddle through; to struggle ahead; to soldier onwards
เรื่อยมาreuuayF maaMcontinuously; on and on
จนกระทั่งjohnM graL thangFuntil; till
ไป bpaiMto go; <subject> goes
ไม่ไหวmaiF waiR[is] incapable; intolerable; not able
ต้อง dtawngF[auxiliary verb] has to...; must...; is required to...; is duty-bound to...
ปิด bpitLto close; turn off; to shut
ตัว dtuaaM[of a person] self; himself; herself; yourself; themselves; [things] itself
ลง lohngMto come down; go down; get off; get out of; descend; land

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